we also dove further into exploring our vocational discernment with a special visit from reverend janet salyer..who is a spiritual director that specializes in career counseling..by reviewing stacks of paper with information compiled about us we were able to consider where our life would lead us and where we would be most happy..productive..and most importantly how and if that fits in with our calling..
but thinking about the future and where god is calling us is a bit scary because it's mostly unknown and in a world where it is responsible to have a plan for the next five years of your life it's tough to let god do the leading..i had a lot of questions about where my life would lead me after this year and far into the future and i think it takes wide open space..prayer..and patience for me to see bits and pieces of the path i will follow..
"be patient with yourself..be patient with love..be patient with a timeline that is not yours to define.or to know..or to wrangle into place..let go..loosen your grip" meg fee
peace & love
Glad that you had this opportunity to listen and look for your future path. Beautiful greenery indeed!