Sunday, April 29, 2012

reflections from 4512 s. derbigny st.

as part of a community we have put together a newsletter reflecting on our time serving in new orleans...the following is my share..but i encourage you to click on the link below to also check out what my lovely roommates have to say..

i am already halfway through my service year..or less than halfway to go for those pessimists out there..and what have i stumbled upon during these months in new orleans as a yav? too many sights..lessons..and experiences for me to count no doubt..but overall my experience this year has been all about linking..linking people..ideas..concepts..cultures..together

i strive to be a positive influence and role model for the children i serve with the hopes that they will make smart and healthy choices as they group up..i hope that some of my work will inspire those who i serve and possibly create a chain reaction that motivates others and even though i could be getting ahead of myself here..but one of my biggest hopes is to have an effect on the broader conflicts in the city and even our country..maybe by just giving my time and attention to the children i work with they will see that they matter to someone and in the long run maybe this will give them a positive outlook on life and themselves..which could link to reducing their likelihood of getting into crime..yes i realize this is a bit of a stretch..but i am quite the optimist and this is what gives me a flake of hope when i feel like i am trudging along without a lot of instant gratification..i link the small things that i do on a daily basis to what could be in the link their reality with their potential..

while working with the seafarers i am provided a face with many of the social justice issues and global issues that are occurring in our world..i am able to have a first hand account as to the fact that the decisions i make on a daily basis have an impact on those all around the makes a very personal place in my heart to fight for these issues and provides me with a little bit more passion in my convictions..

i've learned that making a personal connection..that link..makes quite the gives one hope and bridges the gap literally and figuratively on who and how we help..and helps us realize it is christ who brings us together for a greater purpose..

"be a lamp..a lifeboat..a someone's soul heal..walk out of your house like a shepherd" mevlana rumi

peace & love

Friday, April 20, 2012


as a community we spent our spring retreat in mississippi taking to the woods..and i must say my soul was if i had unleashed it allowing it to run full speed around all of the green we were surrounded with..fully open to soak up all the goodness around me..

it's funny what a difference a few days in nature makes...away from technology..sirens..even the sight of pavement..when i'm thrown into the thick of it i find that it's in my second nature to take in all of god's always becomes blatently obvious that life is breathtaking when you slow down a bit to appreciate while we were enjoying each others company and the great outdoors we were encouraged to spend time meditating on the present..this was very relaxing and therapeutic for redirected my priorities which gave me an overwhelming sense of joy and admiration..

we also dove further into exploring our vocational discernment with a special visit from reverend janet salyer..who is a spiritual director that specializes in career reviewing stacks of paper with information compiled about us we were able to consider where our life would lead us and where we would be most happy..productive..and most importantly how and if that fits in with our calling..

but thinking about the future and where god is calling us is a bit scary because it's mostly unknown and in a world where it is responsible to have a plan for the next five years of your life it's tough to let god do the leading..i had a lot of questions about where my life would lead me after this year and far into the future and i think it takes wide open space..prayer..and patience for me to see bits and pieces of the path i will follow..
"be patient with patient with patient with a timeline that is not yours to define.or to know..or to wrangle into place..let go..loosen your grip" meg fee

peace & love