Wednesday, October 5, 2011

stay positive

"since the world has existed..there has been injustice..but it is one world..the more so as it becomes smaller..more accessible..there is just no question that there is more obligation that those who have should give to those who have nothing" audrey hepburn

i think it's easy to get absorbed with the amount of despair that surrounds's an energizing feeling to have that urge to "save the world"..but equally discouraging when you realize you are in fact only one individual capable of only doing so can be's easy to lose hope in humanity when you realize how much there is still to do in the world and even around the corner you're strolling on..

but i try to remind myself maybe i am in the best possible position to change a little bit of that..even if i am only one person..maybe i could make a difference with another individual...

so it was quite fitting i found this lovely little message in a coffee shop a few days ago..and maybe that was the writer's own hope..that it would brighten another person's day...

well done

peace & love

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