the past few weeks i've noticed that it all comes down to the interactions we have with one another..people often can surprise you and usually have something wonderful hiding up their anyone that has stayed in new orleans for more than a day or two has discovered that new orleanians love talking and sharing stories..and these past couple of weeks have lead to some amazing ones..
the children i tutor always have a way of brightening my day..their curiosity often leads to chatting about those simple joys in life that we tend to overlook...and how i've forgotten how undeniably wonderful it is to read a story with someone..

i've been able to establish more relationships with the seafarers..those conversations always broaden my horizons..i am constantly learning new and interesting things about their culture and how it has had an impact on their view on life and their faith..and more times than not it reminds me how thankful i am to have my loved ones just a phone call away..
a few weekends ago a couple of my roommates and i enjoyed live music and delicious food at the crescent city blues and bbq festival..while enjoying the gorgeous weather (yes i'm still wearing short sleeved shirts and flip flops) and the lovely tunes we stumbled upon some amazing artist in particular, Holly E. Sarre, spoke with us until it was time to shut us the inside scoop on mardi gras, restuarants to check out, and some good advice on life..

at the end of that night we were all sitting down on the lawn soaking up our contentment in the city when a man was pushed up to us in his wheelchair..he asked if he could free style a poem for us..saying we were pleasantly surprised is an understatement..he came up with the most moving poem i've had the pleasure of was all about three queens that wanted to explore the world for a bit..the part that stayed with me the most was when he said "i just want you to know you're beautiful and full of light" the entire poem brought tears to our eyes..after he was finished he simply wished us a beautiful night and surely was a night i will not soon forget..
"maybe it's all utterly meaningless..maybe it's all utterably meaningful..if you want to know attention to what it means to be truly human in a world that half the time we're in love with and half the time scares the hell out of us..any fiction that helps us pay attention to that is religious fiction..the unexpected sound of your name on somebody's lips.the good dream..the strange coincidence..the moment that brings tears to your eyes..the person who brings life to your life..even the smallest events hold the greatest clues" frederick buechner
peace & love