i've never been too great at goodbyes..or the first hello when meeting someone new for that matter..and seeing that both of these things are running back to back right now makes me nostalgic for the past and anxious of the future..
i truly enjoy the middle of things..it's where i'm most comfortable and content..with no ending in sight..because for me..more often than not..tears follow goodbyes..and hellos come along with those pesky..nervous butterflies..but i realize every exciting and inspiring experience must begin when others end..so even though i can't begin to describe how sad i am about leaving my friends and family..i'm equally eager to meet the new people that will be in my life in new orleans..
as some of you may know..i absolutely love collecting quotes..so i leave you with this one..
"You can kiss your family and friends good-bye,
and put miles between you,
but at the same time you carry them with you
in your heart, your mind, your stomach,
because you do not just live in a world
but a world lives within you." Frederick Beuchner
and put miles between you,
but at the same time you carry them with you
in your heart, your mind, your stomach,
because you do not just live in a world
but a world lives within you." Frederick Beuchner
peace & love